Dent Aid Dentistry - San Diego

Same-Day Dental Implants in San Diego

Traditional dental implants can take up to a year to complete. Fortunately, Dent Aid Dentistry now offers same-day dental implants that can be completed in as little as three visits.
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Dental Implants Without all the Hassle

The traditional dental implant procedure is lengthy, involving several trips to the orthodontist and multiple operations. Depending upon how quickly the patient’s mouth heals between procedures, the entire process may take up to a year! 

Fortunately, orthodontists have made many advances in dental implant technology in recent years. The entire implant operation can now be completed in just one visit with a single follow-up appointment to place the permanent crown. When factoring in time for healing, it’s possible to have a brand-new, functional dental implant in three months or less!

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The Advantages of Same-Day Dental Implants

The same-say dental implant procedure is similar to the traditional implant procedure but expedited so that the implant is placed in a single visit. While we understand that some patients question the efficacy of this procedure, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the success rate of same-day implants when compared to standard dental implants is almost negligible. 

The following are only a few of the many advantages that same-day implants have to offer: 

  • Fast and Effective: One of the clearest advantages of same-day dental implants is the ability to remake your smile in a single visit to the orthodontist. 
  • Easier Healing: Unlike standard dental implants, all surgical operations associated with same-day implants are performed in a single visit. This allows faster healing of bone and gum tissue with less potential for complications.
  • Less Chance of Infection: With traditional dental implants, there are long periods where the surgical socket remains exposed, increasing the risk of bacterial exposure and infection. Same-day dental implants are placed immediately, minimizing exposure and increasing comfort.

The Same-Day Dental Implant Process

While the actual implant is completed in a single visit, the entire dental implant procedure requires three trips to our San Diego dental office: the initial consultation, the operation, and a follow-up appointment.

Initial Consultation

To help us determine if dental implants are right for you, you’ll first need to schedule a consultation at our San Diego dental clinic. During this initial exam, our doctor will use an x-ray to check the health of your jawbone and teeth to make sure your dental condition is adequate for receiving the implants. We’ll then provide you with a timeline of the implant process, so you’ll know what to expect at every step along the way.

Implant Placement

First, the doctor will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. Once the area is sufficiently numb, the doctor will begin by making a small incision in the gum to access the jawbone. They will then drill a small hole in the bone to receive the implant. Next, they’ll place the implant and close the gum tissue over the top. It typically takes one to two weeks for the gum tissue to heal– however, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort after the first week. We will place a temporary crown over the implant until the implant area has fully healed.

Follow-Up Appointment

Once enough time has passed for the implant area to heal, we will bring you in for your follow-up appointment. During this appointment, we will place your permanent dental crown on your implant. This permanent crown is custom molded to match the exact shape and hue of the surrounding teeth, ensuring a natural appearance and reliable functionality.

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to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

The Cost Same-Day Dental Implants in San Diego

In San Diego, a single implant will cost approximately $3,000 – $6,000+. A full-mouth reconstruction using dental implants can vary widely, ranging from $6,000 to $60,000 and up. A full set of implant-supported dentures (upper and lower) is approximately $30,000. Keep in mind that this is an investment for life and for your health. We’ll make sure you know how to properly care for your implants so that you can preserve and enjoy your investment.

Here are some important factors we consider when creating your treatment plan:
  • How many implants you need.
  • What other treatment might be needed to make the site ready for surgery.
  • The specific materials recommended for you.
  • The complexity of the surgery.
  • Your recovery time and any potential complications.

Remember– every person and every case is unique! No dental practice can provide you with an exact quote without seeing you for an exam. The dental implant procedure is complex, and many factors go into determining the treatment plan. To get an accurate estimate of the cost of your dental implant, schedule a consultation with our San Diego dental office today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely no one ever has to know that your implants are not your natural teeth. Dental implants are made of metal screws, but these are hidden beneath your gums and covered with lifelike restorations that blend in naturally with the rest of your smile.
Dentures and implants are not the same thing and they function in very different ways. Dentures rest on top of your gums and press down on the underlying bone tissue. Implants strengthen your bite because they are fixed well below your gums. Both tooth replacement options have unique pros and cons. We recommend that you visit us in person to find out which treatment is best for you.
For patients who are not good candidates for dental implants, dental bridges and full or partial dentures may be the best option for replacing missing teeth. The best way to find out what solutions exist for your specific needs is to call and book an appointment. We would be happy to discuss all your options and answer any specific questions you may have.
To get an implant you must be an adult and have good general oral health. Your jawbone must be strong enough to support a new implant and other supporting tissues, like your gums, must be healthy to reduce the risk of complications. If you’re concerned that you might not be a viable candidate, give us a call to find out for sure. There are usually treatment options available to restore your oral health with the ultimate goal of getting a dental implant and there are often alternative solutions to replacing missing teeth.
Yes! Your dental implant may be topped by a crown, a bridge or implant-supported dentures that will always be custom made to make you feel comfortable. That means your custom-made teeth are shaped and colored to match your existing teeth and bite. Patients often have difficulty distinguishing their natural teeth from their beautiful new dental implants.
The science of dental implants has evolved so rapidly from its early days that it is now a very predictable and relatively pain-free procedure. The dental implant procedure is completed with such care and precision you’ll experience as little discomfort as possible. With proper aftercare, you can expect minimal swelling and almost no bleeding. Your physical and emotional health are both important to us. If you feel anxious about visiting us for any reason, please let us know.
In most cases, you can return to work the day after your implant surgery. Once we know exactly what your treatment will entail, we can give you a much more accurate time estimate and can let you know in advance if you should clear your schedule for longer. We always discuss all post-operative care instructions with you.
The success of your implants will depend greatly on how well you maintain them. They need to be professionally cleaned and examined routinely, just like your natural teeth. We usually recommend a check-up approximately every 6 months but may recommend check-ups more or less often depending on your specific requirements.
Care for your dental implants like a natural tooth. Regular brushing & flossing, cleanings and checkups and letting your doctor know if you have any problems.
No, implants do not need to be routinely replaced. Once you get a dental implant, it is meant to stay with you for a very long time.
Dent Aid Dentistry - San Diego

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